From our reading of "The Element of Writing" I felt that it talked a good amount of how we have picture and symbols that stand for sounds and other meanings for example in the reading where it is talking about the letters in the alphabet it is a letter/symbol that stands for a sound. Then to connect it to where the drawing from the Indians they were showing what happened just like the alphabet was standing for a sound or meaning the drawings and pictures all meant something and told a story of what was happening. I feel that we are basically reverting to using no words and just symbols like the Indians use to do to tell stories. One example of this is if you take emojis are just symbols and pictures that all mean different things that just simplifies our way of communication between one another.
To sum up the reading and what I took from I was that the way of communication is changing all the time and going from drawing pictures to tell a story to using words to describe and tell stories now were going in the direction of using emojis instead of words that can tell a story.